Student Financial Support

The symposia are appropriate for advanced undergraduates as well as graduate students. 

The NYSS supplies awards to students that help with expenses related to travel and hotel accommodations. The awards are a maximum of $150 per student with submission of the appropriate receipts.  When multiple students from a single institution request reimbursement, we expect that transportation costs as well as room costs will be shared.  Specifically we expect students to car pool and room together as much as possible.  We will not reimburse students for any food expenses.  Students must register for the symposium at no cost, must attend the banquet and purchase a half priced banquet ticket.  They must attend each scheduled session.  

When student expenses and attendance have been documented, you will receive a check directly from the American Physical Society.  If more than one student from a single institution is supported, one student will be identified as the check recipient and will be expected to disburse any monies owed to fellow students upon receipt of the APS check. We invite students in Physics Departments within the State of New York — or its contiguous states and provinces — to apply for a grant to attend the symposium. The “application” consists of a brief paragraph that specifies the requested grant amount and how the funds will be spent.  Applications must be signed by the student and the Department Chair. For email applications, the student should send the application paragraph to the Department Chair, who will forward it to the NYSS representative (see address below). The e-mail “From” addresses will constitute signatures.  Emailed applications are preferred.  One application can be made for several students, but the name and mailing address of each student must appear within it. Applications must be received one week prior to the meeting, and should be emailed to:

Dr. Abram Falk 
IBM T.J.Watson Research Center