Students and researchers across the New York State are invited to attend the topical symposium on renewable energy hosted at Rochester Institute of Technology. This exciting event will feature a range of talks from experts on renewable energy technologies. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear about the latest research and developments targeting the fundamental science and broader applications of fuel cells, batteries, and solar cells. The symposium will also provide an opportunity for networking and interaction with leading researchers.
Undergraduate and graduate students from across the New York State are especially encouraged to attend and present posters. Although the meeting is broadly focused on renewable energy, students working in all areas of physics are welcome to present posters. Poster session on Friday evening will offer ample opportunities to the students to network with leading researchers in academia and industry and broaden their horizons. Students presenting posters will get free registration. Best poster prizes will be awarded at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. We hope you can join us at Rochester Institute of Technology!